Gravel Binder
Ideal for tree surrounds and decorative drainage areas
PROFI-DEKO bonds any clear aggregate without fines. Simply mix the resin with your choice of gravel and trowel until level to create a durable and highly permeable surface.
WEATHER WARNING – Only install between 0°C – 30°C | 32°F – 86 °F Lower temperatures result in slower hardening while higher temperatures cure faster. 20 – 30 minute working time and protect from moisture.

- Washed, dry and dust-free aggregate
- Prevents loose gravel
- For pedestrian & light vehicular loads
- Safe non-slip surface
- Appropriate PPE
- 5-gallon buckets
- Cement mixer for larger projects
- Magnesium float trowel
- Nitrile gloves
- Screed boards / straight edge
Construction Site Preparation: Prepare the foundation for expected traffic loads. Ensure the substructure is water-permeable. Follow regulations and guides for paved stone surfaces. Ensure the subsurface won’t settle by using clear gravel and optional geogrid
Preparation: Ensure there is a water-permeable substrate. Tape off adjoining surfaces not to be affected. Clean and dry grit/gravel before using PROFI-DEKO. NOTE: wet or dirty aggregate will negatively affect the finished result!
Cleaning if Required: Mix gravel with clean water in a concrete mixer. Pour out cloudy water until almost clear. Spread washed gravel on a mat or asphalt to dry completely, it maybe turned periodically. Alternatively, dip gravel in a clean mortar trough filled with water. Move the basket up and down until gravel is clean. Let it dry as described above.
Mixing: Follow the mixing ratio in the consumption table, typically for 1⁄4” clean aggregate mix approx. 150 – 160 lbs stone with each set of Profi Deko. Pour clean and dry gravel into the mixer. Slowly add the two-component resin
while mixing for at least 4 minutes.
Application: Pour the mix onto the prepared surface. Disperse if necessary and level to at least 30 mm | 1 1/4” (depending on expected loads and substrate condition). Smoothen and level using screeds, magnesium trowels and smoothing trowels. Smooth the surface, ensuring good light compaction and avoiding impurities. Paint thinner or soap and water in a squirt bottle should be applied periodically to the tools during installation to keep them clean. The mixer should be periodically cleaned to prevent build-up on hot days, paint thinner and some clean stone is a great way to keep the mixer clean every 1-2 hours.
Subsequent Treatment: Protect the freshly jointed surface from rain for 12-24 hours. Do not lay the rain protection layer directly onto the surface, a raised cover must be utilized, if that is not possible the project should not happen until the right conditions present themselves. For heavy-use or commercial surfaces, ensure a minimum surface depth of 5 cm I 2” After hardening or the following day, roll ROMEX® – PROFI-DEKO undiluted over the surface using a paintbrush or roller for extra strength. Repeat topcoat every 3-5 years as required with consumption of approx. 200-300 ml/m2 | 0.04-0.06 lbs/sqft or around 150 sq ft/ full set of resin
Important Notes: Test a sample surface if uncertain. Ensure washed gravel is completely clean and dry to avoid loss of strength due to dampness. Use ROMEX-approved aggregate and call before you install.
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