At ROMEX we pride ourselves on providing in-depth technical expertise and advice every step of the way, from planning to project completion. Let us work for you to provide guidance on optimal product choices, technical specifications, pricing, and timelines throughout the design and implementation stages of your projects.

Feel free to explore our collection of estimating guides or visit the jointing consumption calculator on ROMEX Germany’s website, crafted to assist you in determining the optimal pricing for your project.

We offer free online courses so you can provide peace of mind on your next ROMEX installation. Learn how quick and easy our products are to use by signing up to become a certified ROMEX installer.

Check out our large variety of installation tutorials and tips and tricks videos on our YouTube channel. Educate yourself on our diverse and versatile product line to discover all the ways ROMEX can help you.

Click here to see our recommended system builds and discover how to become eligible for our 10-year warranty option.

Browse and download our collection of brochures and product information sheets to learn more about our permeable product line and determine which one is best for you.